Service > Iridology

Your eyes are a unique window into health

Iridology is the inspection of the iris of the eye as an aid in determining a persons state of health. It isn't used to diagnose specific diseases or conditions. Rather, it's used to indicate potential problems in all areas of the body. Therefore Iridology is used to improve a persons' overall health and well-being.

A typical close up of a humans eye

Your eye is the lamp of your body

Iridology is a study of the iris of the eyes, as it relates to cellular weaknesses (genetics) and congestion (toxicity). Iridology is practiced worldwide and dates back over 500 years. The Science of Iridology is growing leaps and bounds as specialized cameras and computers are designed to take an even deeper look into the study of the iris. Every cell in your body reflects itself through the nervous system to the brain and optic nerves. As tissues become weakened and congested, changes occur in the fibers of the iris of the eye. The iris fibers have been mapped out correspondingly to the related tissues in the body. By observing these fibers, changes and colors in the iris, we can analyze your body’s strengths, weaknesses and toxicity levels.

Your iris fibers tell a story of your body’s cellular strengths and weaknesses, starting with your inherent patterns given to you by your parents. The iris of the eye registers tissue changes as they relate to cellular strengths, weaknesses and toxicity.

In reading the iris to gain insight to the body there are several characteristics that are studied. These include, but are not limited to layers, colors, rings and spots.

Your iridology package


  • A health assessment
  • A detailled irodology analysis

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healyourselftoday (at)


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